
Opportunities and challenges of flexibility technologies

for achieving a net-zero electricity future in China (May 2023)

AETI's Dean and Chief Economist, Prof. Xunpeng Shi, along with AETI's Senior Research Fellow, Dr. Muyi Yang, led the coordination of this study. The primary objective of this report is to gain valuable insights into key energy stakeholders' viewpoints and perspectives in China. By doing so, it aims to identify differing interests and cross-cutting issues that require attention, in order to foster consensus-building and facilitate the swift adoption of various flexibility technologies. The report utilizes a combination of literature review and expert survey as its research methodology.  You can download the report from ISETS here

Implication of the Energy Transition on Sustaianble Critical Minerals Developments in Asia and the Pacific (March 2023)

AETI Dean & Chief Economist, Prof. Xunpeng Shi, and AETI Senior Research Fellow, Dr. Muyi Yang, along with three other researchers, have authored a report published by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The primary aim of this report is to deliver a comprehensive policy study specifically focused on the Asia-Pacific region. It analyzes the implications of the energy transition on the extractive industries sector, taking into account the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can download the report from ESCAP using the following link: ESCAP.

China's coal power transition: a discussion paper

中国煤电发展的动因和转型切入点 (May 2022)

As the executing agency, AETI undertook the ISETS-Ember joint project, which resulted in the Discussion Paper that was jointly published by ISETS and Ember.  Dean & Chief Economist Prof. Roc Shi Xunpeng and AETI Senior Research Fellow Dr. Yang Muyi coordinated the study. The main purpose of this report is to review the development of coal power in China during the 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP) period (2016-2020), and promote debates among energy experts and policy practitioners on how to better progress the coal power transition in China. 

GEIDCO Research Projects (GRPs) 2020: Transnationial and Transcontinental Clean Energy Power Interconnection and Trade 

AETI team members were awarded the project "Research on Cooperation Policy Mechanism of Transnationial and Transcontinental Clean Energy Power Interconnection and Trade ", one of the five under the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)'s "GEIDCO Research Projects (GRPs) 2020".  The project is jointly led by AETI  Distinguished Research Fellow Prof ZHANG Xiaoping and Dean & Chief Economist Prof. Roc Shi Xunpeng. AETI Senior Reseasrch Fellow Dr. Yang Muyi will also participate in the study. 

Australian Hydrogen Technology and Business Models (2020)

AETI has been commissioned by a well-known energy company to conduct a study on Australia's hydrogen technology and business models. The objective of this study is to gather preliminary information that the company requires to assess market opportunities in Australia. The study will focus on providing insights into the global and Australian hydrogen markets, as well as Australia's hydrogen development strategies and action plan. Its findings will serve as a valuable resource for the company's decision-making process. 

ESCAP Regional Power Trade and Connectivity (RPTC) (2015)

Within the framework of enhancing regional energy connectivity in order to increase the sustainability of power systems within Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is pursuing a Regional Power Trade and Connectivity (RPTC) capacity building project. The long-term goals of this project include the facilitation and acceleration of national policies aimed at furthering regional energy connectivity in order to increase the sustainability and reliability of power grids in Asia and the Pacific.

The scope of the project includes stock-taking of current barriers and potential bottlenecks on the national level, which may inhibit transboundary power trade and renewable energy integration within the region. The underlying objective of this survey involves the identification of commonalities between member-States with regard to increasing the sustainability of the power generation sector through regional energy connectivity, mainly transboundary power trade. The survey aims to identify political, regulatory, financing and technical barriers and challenges that are commonly faced by member-States in order to lay the foundation for an analysis that addresses these issues and recommends areas for action.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Knowledge Work on Energy Mix and share of RE in South Asia (Sector Study) :2014

The report examines Germany’s Renewable Energy (RE) policy and draws upon its experience and lessons learned to provide suggestions for South Asian and other developing countries with plans for significant RE contributions in the future, using Sri Lanka as a case study. The literature review serves as a complement to the observations made from studying the German RE experience. This report focuses on variable REs (VREs), mainly solar and wind energy, because they form a challenge for grid operators and energy policy makers due to their variable nature. Some pulibic outcomes are:

Shi *, X, Chen, H., Yu, Y. & Wen, F, 2018. Development of variable renewable energy policy in developing countries: A case study of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Public Policy, 14(1/2):10-29.

施训鹏,来自德国新能源政策的8点启示, 新浪财经, 2014.10.14.

施训鹏 ,何管理“已壮大”可再生能源南方能源观察,2014.10.7.

Bruneian Government Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Regulations:2013

The project aims to create energy efficiency regulations including steandard and labelling law (Order) and minimal energy performanc standards (MEPS) for air conditioners. Dr Shi led the project in his capacity as Chief Researcher of the Brunei National Energy Research Institute (BNERI). 

The working knolwedge of this project he gained was published in two papers in a distingsuished energy journal:

Shi *, X., 2015. Application of best practice for setting minimum energy efficiency standards in technically disadvantaged countries: case study of Air Conditioners in Brunei. Applied Energy, 157:1-12.  Accepted version of the paper is also avaiable at ResearchGate.

Shi*, X., 2014. Setting effective mandatory energy efficiency standards and labelling regulations: A review of best practices in the Asia Pacific region. Applied Energy, 133:135-143. Accepted version of the paper is also avaiable at ResearchGate.